Top Energy Training

Matt Balhoff 

Professor, Petroleum & Geosystems Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Louisiana State University

Dr. Balhoff’s research specializes in Chemical EOR, Geological CO2 Storage, and Reservoir Simulation. He focuses on the flow of subsurface fluids with applications to hydrocarbon recovery, carbon sequestration, groundwater remediation, and nuclear waste storage. His work includes developing unique methods to simulate multiscale flow and transport processes in subsurface media, and discovering breakthroughs in recovering unconventional hydrocarbons. His expertise is in pore-scale modeling, multiscale modeling, reservoir simulation, and enhanced oil recovery. Dr. Balhoff’s awards include the Society of Professional Engineers International Teaching Fellow Award in 2012, Regents Outstanding Teachers Award for Assistant Professor in 2013, and the Society of Professional Engineers Young Member Outstanding Service Award in 2014.