Top Energy Training

Hilary Olson 

Top Energy Training Leadership Team Member
Senior Lecturer and Research Associate, Petroleum & Geosystems Engineering; Director of Education, Training and Outreach, Center for Petroleum & Geosystems Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
Ph.D., Geology, Stanford University

Dr. Olson’s technical research integrates biostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental data with core, well-log, and seismic data to examine the Earth’s stratigraphic record. Her research includes stratigraphic studies in the offshore and onshore Gulf of Mexico, Faeroe Basin, California, and New Jersey Margin. Her education, training, and outreach programs address the areas of unconventional resources and carbon storage, with audiences ranging from state and federal regulators to the public. Dr. Olson’s K-12 teacher professional development activities are focused on energy and earth science education, and have received support from the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy. Her involvement in STEM education for pre-university age girls is focused on addressing energy, climate, and water issues in the 21st century, and building confidence in middle-and high-school age girls. Before joining the University of Texas at Austin she worked as a research geologist for Mobil Research and Development Corporation. Dr. Olson has served as President of the North American Micropaleontology Section of the Society for Sedimentary Geology and as a Distinguished Lecturer for the Ocean Drilling Program. She was awarded the Public Service Award by the Dallas Geological Society.