TOPCORP Registration

Congratulations! You have been selected to attend an onsite TOPCORP workshop.

TOPCORP training is completed in two parts: online classroom and field-work. The innovative online class requires approximately 15 hours per course and is self paced. Upon successful completion of the online portion, participants are invited to attend an on-site field work session held at our partner universities. The online class must be completed (and passed) before attending the field work portion.

Please complete and submit this registration form. Once registration is complete you will receive information for the online portion of your workshop.

Personal Information

Contact Information

Workshop Information

T-shirts are men's cuts and sizes
Access to the online course(es) will be given after your application is accepted and approximately one month prior to the beginning of the workshop.

Images: “Man worker in the oilfield. Winter period.” by polina_petrenko/